Melt The Glass Ceiling
Are you a career woman? Do you work in a male dominated workplace? In Melt The Glass Ceiling, your career coach, Lisa Liszcz, will share tips and strategies on developing the career of your dreams. New episodes drop each week.
Melt The Glass Ceiling
Unlocking Productivity: Four Tips to Combat Burnout for Women
Can burnout really be conquered with just a few simple adjustments? Tune in to uncover strategies that promise to transform your work-life balance and empower you to maintain your energy, no matter how overwhelming your workload becomes. Join me, Lisa, from Melt the Glass Ceiling, as I reveal four game-changing tips designed specifically to help women combat burnout. Learn how integrating regular breaks, indulging in the rejuvenating power of sunlight, and mastering the art of saying no can unlock unprecedented levels of productivity and job satisfaction. Plus, don't miss the exclusive freebie waiting for you at the end of the episode to support your journey toward success.
We’re building a community of empowered women, and I’d love to hear from you! Share your top energy maintenance tip, or connect with me through direct messages or Instagram. If you're eager for more insights, I invite you to check out my e-book, "25 Tips for Energy Maintenance." This comprehensive guide is packed with strategies that will propel your career forward. Click the link provided to download it and discover which tip will be your new game changer as you work to melt the glass ceiling. Remember, you have the power to transform your work experience and achieve your goals.
Links to mentioned resources:
Private Facebook Group
TickTime Cube Timer (I thought I bought this on Amazon, but I bought it directly from TickTime)
25 Tips for Energy Maintenance Ebook download
Hey there, powerful woman Lisa here from Melt the Glass Ceiling. Today we are tackling a subject that hits home for all of us, everyone I talk to, when I go to speaking engagements, when I'm coaching my clients, when I'm doing my consulting work. Everyone is talking about overwhelm and burnout. So today I have four tips for you about keeping your energy up when work gets tough. As women in the workplace, we often have to handle a ton of tasks at once, which means we can be left feeling wiped out and stressed right. Don't worry, I've got some tips for you today, four game-changing tips to help you get your mojo back, keep your energy up and fire yourself up so that you have the drive that you need to succeed. And even more if you listen to the end, because you know I've always got a freebie for you that builds on what I talk about in the podcast. So listen to the end. You know I've always got a freebie for you that builds on what I talk about in the podcast. So listen to the end. I'm going to tell you all about that freebie.
Speaker 1:Let's start things off with an easy but effective tip Taking breaks. I know, I know it's hard to take a break when your list of things to do is never ending and it's growing, you know, faster than the grass in your yard in the spring. You might think that stopping is a bad idea, but believe me, it makes a big difference. So many times I have felt drained in the middle of the day and felt like I just needed to keep grinding through my workday to get everything done. But when I take a break and go for a little walk around the block, it takes me about five minutes and it gets me some fresh air. Maybe I see some other people and then I come back to my desk and feel fresh and feel ready, energized, focused, more clear-minded and can just nail whatever it is I have on my plate for that afternoon. Maybe it's tasks, maybe it's meetings, maybe it's phone calls but getting that boost midday helps me so much. So here's what you can do, and I do this. I have started setting an alarm for every 45 minutes. This is when I take my break. When my alarm goes off, I take a five to 10 minute break. I get up, I stretch, I move, I might dance around, I might do a little bit of deep breathing exercises, but a lot of times I go for a walk around my block. It refreshes my brain, it refreshes my body and your brain and your body will love you for it.
Speaker 1:I have this really great little timer that I just love. I don't remember the name of it, but I will put it in. Okay, it's Tick Time. The Tick Time Cube Timer. I got it on Amazon. I will put the link in the show notes.
Speaker 1:I am not an affiliate, I don't give anything for this, but I love this thing. I think it's cute. It sits on my desk and so I enjoy using it every day. It's a pleasure. It's something that you charge up with a cord, and I really like seeing it count down. It helps me to like race myself a little bit and see what all I can get done before that 45 minutes is up Some of it.
Speaker 1:I've had a history of some back problems and have had back surgery before, and it's so important for my back and my whole body to get up and move. After that 45-minute alarm goes off and, if you want to, you can set it on quiet. That's what I've done, because my dog does not like the sound of the alarm, so it just vibrates, and so it's a nice little gentle reminder that it's time to get up and move around, get some fresh air, get a glass of water, whatever. Okay, so that's tip number one. We're going to take breaks. Tip number two get some sun.
Speaker 1:Sunshine can have a great impact, and, as we are not getting out very much, if you're a work-at-home person if so, you don't even get out and get in your car to drive to the office. A lot of us are indoors a lot, and even if you're an office worker, you can miss this natural boost to your energy. Sunlight isn't just for beach trips or sitting by the pool. It's key to our health. It helps us to. That's how we absorb our vitamin D and that gives us more energy. When I take a walk on my break, that helps to give me not only the movement and the oxygen and the fresh air, but also that sunshine which has the vitamin D in it. And sometimes on my breaks I'll just go out on my balcony. I'm on the second floor and I do have a little Juliet balcony here off my office and I can just go out there and get some sunshine and see the trees blowing, and, trust me, it's a huge change. It makes a huge change in my energy. It's like night and day, pun intended.
Speaker 1:Sun exposure can help set your body clock. It can help lift your spirits. Set your body clock. It can help lift your spirits and make you more productive. So here's an action step for you Try to get at least 15 minutes of sunshine a day. That's what's recommended. You can take a walk, you can step outside, you can eat your lunch outside on a pretty day, or even just stand by a window for a bit. That can help energize you. Your body will absorb vitamin D, boosting your energy. So that's tip number two.
Speaker 1:Okay, so number three, let's address a major issue for many of us, professional and executive women learning to say no. As high achieving women, we often feel like we must agree to every chance or every request. We want to help, we want to be pushing forward all the time. We want to be team players. But here's the truth Every yes you say to something that doesn't match your goals means you're saying no to something that does match your goals, something that is a priority for you, and honestly saying no to your energy being available for those priorities. So be very careful about this.
Speaker 1:I recently said no to a project that was not essential for me and was not aligned with my priorities. And guess what? Everything was fine, the client was fine, I was fine, the project was fine, but I wound up having more time and energy to concentrate on things that helped me be aligned with my priorities, my values and my goals. I love this activity. One of my clients, kat she and I have been working on that. Kat's a vice president at a large company and she has broad regional responsibilities, and we started working on her saying no three times a day, at least three times a day. I just wanted her looking for those opportunities to say no to things that were not her priorities personally and professionally, and she wound up really having fun with it over time.
Speaker 1:It's hard at first, but if you even just start saying no once a day and I think that might have been where Kat and I started with it was just once day say no to something that really doesn't resonate with you You'll find your way and pick up speed and soon you'll be saying no to things three or more times a day that don't resonate with you, don't have value for you. So here's your action step Before you agree to something new, ask yourself is this in line with what I want to achieve and with what is important to me. And if it's not, say no and keep in mind that no is enough on its own. You don't have to defend your answer, you don't have to explain it, you don't have to give a lot of information. Just say no. Thank you for thinking of me, I'm not going to be doing that, or no. No, thank you for thinking of me, I'm not going to be doing that, or no, no, thank you, thanks. And that just drop and be and move on. So remember to say no. That's tip number three.
Speaker 1:Tip number four, and this is key let's discuss who you spend time with. I want you to spend time with positive people, because being around upbeat people is like having your own group of supporters cheering you on. I've got a group of friends, personal friends, that I met at my gym. We are just amazing cheerleaders for each other and we we support each other and we encourage each other. I like going to networking events that are focused on women professionals. I really like the Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce. That group is so positive and everyone really encourages each other in their businesses, in their careers, in their professional development. It's a very empowering group.
Speaker 1:So being around people personally and professionally, having your good friends at work, your work besties that's very important, and I just recently did a presentation on my three secrets for being successful in your career, and this was one of the secrets is really finding and spending time with the people who are like-minded and like you in style at your company, at your work. I'll put a link in the show notes to that presentation. It's short, it's maybe 10 minutes, but it'll give you a little bit more color around finding these people and spending time with them and why that's so important in your career. And this is a group of people your people that we often don't really think about in terms of who it's important to develop relationships with at work. I love spending time with other professional and executive women. Drive and motivation is usually contagious and we cheer each other on, we celebrate successes and we stand by each other when things get tough. If my motivation needs a real boost, I seek out these women who are like-minded and really kindred spirits and their motivation is like a cup of coffee it just boosts me up. So try networking and think about your friend group personally, but also at work, and think about if there are some people you need to add to your group and if there are people who are maybe draining your energy that you could spend less time with or no time with. So here's your action step Spot the people who drain your energy and spend less time with them. Instead, build connections that spark your enthusiasm and give you a lift.
Speaker 1:Get involved in professional groups, show up at industry gatherings or kick off your out-support circle. If you're looking for a group, I've got a Facebook group that's a private group for women working in corporate professional women. I'd love to see you in that group because these are the types of tips we share with each other and we also ask questions and give each other help and support and advice. So I'll put the link in the show notes and you check out that group and see if you can't meet some new people there and get some support. There you have it, you powerful woman. You Four keys to keep your energy up and excel in your career. Don't forget take breaks, get some sunshine, turn down more requests and spend time with people who lift your spirits.
Speaker 1:I'm so curious which tip did you like the most? I would love to hear what you think. You can just click on that DM link in the show notes and send me your thoughts, or follow me on Instagram and send me a DM there. Would you like more tips? I shared four tips with you. Today I have 19 more. I've got a full list including all 25. It's called 25 Tips for Energy Maintenance. It's 16 pages long. It's an e-book and it's great ideas for you. It's only a click away. Go ahead and click on that link and sign up to download it, and I would love to know which of those 25 tips you're going to try first. And until we meet again, this is Lisa reminding you to boost your career and unlock your potential. Now go melt the glass ceiling.