Melt The Glass Ceiling
Are you a career woman? Do you work in a male dominated workplace? In Melt The Glass Ceiling, your career coach, Lisa Liszcz, will share tips and strategies on developing the career of your dreams. New episodes drop each week.
Melt The Glass Ceiling
Break the Mold: How To Stop Conforming and Start Thriving In Your Career
Unlock the secret to career success by embracing your true self! Join me as I share the audio from my recent presentation, "Breaking the Mold: How to Stop Conforming and Start Thriving in Your Career." Drawing from my two decades in the corporate world and extensive experience as a career and leadership development coach, we'll explore how authenticity can not only skyrocket your career but also reduce workplace stress. Through this journey, you'll learn to navigate corporate culture while staying true to your values, sidestepping common career pitfalls, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. And don't miss out on the special handout available here. It's designed to help you pinpoint your ideal job.
Your feedback is the cornerstone of growth, and I’m eager to hear from you! At the end of the presentation, I encourage you to capture a screenshot of the slide and reach out with your questions or thoughts. Your insights are invaluable, and I’m excited to engage in meaningful dialogue.
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Click here to get your How to Figure Out What Type of Job You Really Want Free Download.
Hello and welcome to my podcast, and today I've got something a little special for you. It's I'm actually going to share with you the audio from a presentation that I did recently on breaking the mold how to stop conforming and start thriving in your career, and it's really about being yourself and being unique and letting that help you in your career while lowering your stress, and so I'm sharing this presentation with you today. The audio will really give you all the information that you need. If you'd like to see the slides, I've got the link to the slide show the webinar in the show notes, so feel free to click on that and go right to the slide show the webinar in the show notes so feel free to click on that and go right to the presentation. If you are listening, right around minute 13, almost 14, I reference a QR code where you could pick up a freebie from me. And don't worry, I've got you covered. If you're not watching this, I've put the link to the freebie in the show notes, so you are 100% covered. So get ready for the presentation. Here we go. Hello, I am Lisa Lish, your career and leadership development coach, and I've given this presentation before, but I wanted to make sure that you had a copy of it, because you just recently completed the quiz on what is your pitch perfect dream job and I wanted to give you a little bit more information about thriving in your career today. And I like to call this presentation Breaking the Mold, because I want you to be you and I think that for you to mold yourself into a corporate environment or a job environment is not being having integrity about your authenticity. So let's talk a little bit today about making sure you're true to yourself and maybe breaking the mold a little bit around the corporate culture and so that you can have more joy and success with less stress in your life, I want you to thrive in your career while being authentic, by being true to who you are and by using your own personal style. As you've heard me say before, my goal is for you to have success as quickly as possible in your career with as little sacrifice as possible, because I want you to maintain your health and your well-being and a balanced work life, and that's my goal for you. I want you to have all of those things while having the success that you aspire to, which means having an impact and feeling valued. That's all part of success with joy, and I've got a treat for you today. If you stay till the end, I've got a handout for you. That's really a nice guide sheet and it's called how to Figure Out what Type of Job you Really Want, and it's a step-by-step action guide and I will share the QR code with you in just a few minutes on one of the slides later in this presentation.
Speaker 1:You know there are a lot of career coaches out there. What makes me different and what makes this presentation different? Why should you listen? Well, one of the things that's different about me is that I had actually had a corporate career. I had a corporate career for over 20 years. I was very successful and I worked inside of large corporate cultures, so I understand a lot about corporate culture and politics and change dynamics and leadership dynamics probably more than a lot of career coaches out there who have not worked directly firsthand in those types of environments. And some of the companies that I've worked for are Bayer, airlie Key, baker Botts and Baker Hughes. I've also done consulting work for some of those companies as a career coach and leadership coach, and on the slide here there are some other companies that I have provided career coaching and leadership development, training for and services for. So I wanted to, and that makes me a little bit different from a lot of people who have maybe just worked one-on-one with individuals or haven't worked with some of the larger global companies. I've worked with a number of manufacturing companies and technical companies, and so I bring that to the table in a way that a lot of coaches don't.
Speaker 1:In my personal career, I've done a lot of things right and I've done a lot of things wrong and separate the consequences of those actions and learn from them. I've also seen my clients do a lot of things right and do some things wrong, and by synthesizing the experiences of me personally and thousands of clients that I have coached over many years of coaching people on their careers, I have learned a lot, and what I have learned is how people achieve success with joy and also what risks are worth taking, because some of us are ready to take some risks, some of us aren't, but what risks are worth taking and which ones are not. I have seen many times how careers get derailed and how we can avoid some of the tendencies to derail our careers through certain behaviors or certain tendencies, and I discovered many of these things the hard way personally and needing to learn through those experiences, through with trial and error. I've done a lot of observation. I've done a lot of research. I've done a lot of observation, I've done a lot of research, I've made a lot of mistakes and I've talked to clients for over 10 years now who have told me about mistakes they've made and what they've learned from it, so that we can leverage all of that learning and those best practices for you, and that's part of what I want to share with you today. So I want you to quickly and easily thrive in your career as much and as quickly as possible.
Speaker 1:In the last 10 years, I have seen my clients thrive and I really feel that I am hitting a sweet spot and an important point in my career coaching my clients, because I'm seeing them thrive with more quickly and with fewer challenges the more that I do this work, and I'm seeing them thrive and be successful without changing who they are or compromising their values, which is very, very important. And I can tell you one thing I'm not special and my clients are delightful, wonderful, smart, really wonderful people. But you can do this too. We've learned. You know my clients and I have learned together and I have encapsulated what it is what it takes to have a thriving career without compromising who you are and without compromising your values in some simple ways that you can do too. This is not something that only a few people can do, so I'm going to share today with you three secrets for success without compromising who you are.
Speaker 1:Number one I'm going to tell you how you can become clearer on your career path, because it is very important, when we are doing this work, to be clear on what we want, on exactly what we want and where we are going. Number two it's important to understand who are the most important people to build relationships with. You know we want to build relationships with everybody. I understand that, and it's important to build relationships with peers and with our bosses and with our employees, but there's a special group that you need to build relationships with that you might forget about sometimes, and I'm going to share that with you in just a second. And then secret number three what can you stop doing to avoid failure? And you know we've all got so much on our plates these days and we're dealing with overwhelm and time management issues. I want to tell you today what you can take off of your to-do list, which will give you more time and more energy and will help you thrive in your career. So let's go. What is that? Secret number one how can you become clearer about your career path?
Speaker 1:Well, I want you to really tap into, using your own style, understand your style and leverage it for your success. I want to tell you about my client, cindy, a wonderful, absolutely extraordinary person. She and I worked together. We did the personal style inventories, the communication style inventories, and when she really started to embrace her own communication style and preferences and tendencies and aligning, and when she started aligning in her career with her interests and what really inspires and motivates her, she did so well. She was able to build even stronger relationships with her coworkers and colleagues and with management at her company and she got a promotion up to the director level and people within her company started coming to her for coaching and mentoring because she was seen as such a success in her organization and people were picking up on how authentic she was once she really started leaning into her personal style and preferences. So I encourage you to get very, very clear on your personal style and preferences.
Speaker 1:Now secret number two who are the most important people for you to build your relationships with. Again, we want to have good relationships with everyone, but I want you to not forget about a particular group that sometimes goes overseen. I want you to find your people, people who are like-minded and similar to you in style, and I want you to build relationships with them. These are your kindred spirits and they will have your back, they will get you, and you need these relationships in your life during the good times and the bad times. I want to tell you about another client of mine, vera, and I've worked with Vera for years and she changed companies a few times, changed industries a few times, after we did some work to really understand what are the types of people that she likes working with, what are the types of projects and work that she likes to do and what is the type of culture and work environment that she thrives in the most. So once Vera got very clear on where she would be a fit, you know, with the type of work, the type of people, the type of industry she found a job where she really felt like she fit in and got a lot of support and was set up for success, and she has done very well in her career, getting consistent promotions every few years, and now she's in a role at a company where she's very happy and she has a good balance between challenge and stress, so that she can have that balance of success and joy in her life.
Speaker 1:Now let me tell you what you're going to stop doing, because you're busy and if there's anything you can get off of your plate I know that you want to I want you to stop trying to fit in. Do you try to fit in and be like everyone else at work? You know, as human beings, we do tend to do that. We want to fit in and we want to blend in. I want you to stop doing this. I want you to concentrate on being yourself and being authentic, and it's good to stand out a little bit and to be unique. A lot of times, this is how we get more visible. We get recognized for our accomplishments and people will reach out to us and want to mentor us and support us in our careers. And want to mentor us and support us in our careers. If you're blending in with everyone else, how are you going to get noticed?
Speaker 1:I want to tell you about one more of my clients, kat. Kat and I worked on her leadership and communication style and really dug into what was authentic for her. Kat is an extraordinarily creative, innovative and intuitive person and she wasn't seeing that in other leaders in her organization so much, but once she started to really lean into those skills herself, she started doing really well and her team members started to really respond to her positively. She's a leader in a sales organization and that team became so strong and collaborative through her leadership that their sales went up exponentially and Kat wound up being promoted to the vice president level. And this is just one example of what can happen when we really lean into our strengths, our interests and our natural gift.
Speaker 1:Okay, so let's recap you are going to know and use your own style, really dig into that. You are going to find your people and build relationships with them and stop trying to fit in. If you can focus on even one of those secrets over the next week, I think you're going to start reducing your stress and feeling more successful, maybe not in huge, tangible ways, but in small ways that will be meaningful to you. Well, guess what? We're almost at the end of our presentation and you have stayed with me to the end, so I'm thrilled. Please take out your phone and take a picture of that QR code and you are going to. This will take you right to my action guide, which is essentially a checklist with a variety of tips for you called how to figure out what type of job you really want and that helps you to start that journey around aligning with work and with an environment that really work for you.
Speaker 1:Now keep that phone out, because I want you to take a screenshot of this page here, this slide, and feel free to reach out to me, give me your feedback. I'd love to get an email from you and let me know if you have any questions about this presentation. I appreciate you. Thank you very much. Have a great day. I hope you enjoyed that presentation today. I would love to hear from you and hear your thoughts and what questions you might have. Just click that, send a note to Lisa link in the show notes and tell me what you thought. I look forward to hearing from you. Now go melt the glass ceiling.